
  1. 4. I called dibs on the other type, so this must be your favourite
  2. 7. your favourite colour
  3. 8. the month we started dating
  4. 10. objectively the superior horoscope out of the 12
  5. 11. the best sign
  6. 12. one of your favourite pokemon
  7. 13. my favourite weather type
  8. 14. the best movie ever
  9. 16. my favourite pokemon type
  10. 19. my favourite activity w you
  11. 20. my go to compliment
  1. 1. my favourite Korean band
  2. 2. one of my hobbies
  3. 3. my horoscope
  4. 4. where I want to go most
  5. 5. my favourite season
  6. 6. one of your hobbies
  7. 9. the exact day we started
  8. 11. your horoscope
  9. 15. a description of you
  10. 16. my favourite colour
  11. 17. does this even qualify as a compliment?
  12. 18. my favourite starter