G10 Final Exam Review

  1. 3. Treatise written by Kautilya
  2. 4. The highest Caste.
  3. 5. "Princes" of Aryan civilization.
  4. 7. The caste that is indigenous people of India.
  5. 9. The country of Alexander the great.
  6. 11. India is known as a "Cradle of ______".
  7. 13. Leading sailors and traders of the ancient world and was a city-state in Middle East around 1200 BCE.
  8. 16. Ancient Indians believed in a god or goddess of this.
  9. 17. United Kingdom of Isreal is known for this Monotheistic religion.
  10. 19. The first name of the first Mauryan emperor.
  11. 20. India produced and traded this product that added flavor to food.
  12. 25. The original theory of why Indus Valley civilization ended was overturned because Aryans arrived THIS many centuries after the fall of Indus Valley.
  13. 27. The Indian word for Caste system
  14. 28. The "warrior" caste
  1. 1. Indians had a money economy by trading with this type of money.
  2. 2. Name for societies led by men.
  3. 6. The name of the god in Zoroastricism.
  4. 8. The Untouchables are this % of the Indian population.
  5. 10. First Ancient Indian civilization formed along this river valley.
  6. 12. Ritual where the wife would throw herself into her husband's funeral pyre to follow him into death.
  7. 14. The first to discover iron and make iron weapons
  8. 15. leader of the Ancient Persians that allowed the Jews to return to Jerusalem
  9. 18. Name of the Isrealite god.
  10. 21. People known for building Megaliths and are semi-nomadic
  11. 22. Seasonal winds and rain that Indian farmers depend on.
  12. 23. Ancient Indian civilization with 40 ft thick city walls.
  13. 24. Indians live with their extended families in these.
  14. 26. Assyrians were known to be good at this.