- 1. Largest tropical rainforest
- 6. Pokémon, Naruto and Cherry Blossoms
- 7. The Smallest G20 Country
- 10. Kangaroos, Barrier reef and Koalas
- 14. Medieval name of Turkey's Capital
- 15. An Island Nation
- 17. Capital of Saudi Arabia
- 19. Mexico's official currency
- 21. Current FIFA champions
- 22. First G20 meeting occured in which city
- 23. Indian city called the "Manchester of East."
- 2. Official Language of China
- 3. 2010 FIFA World Cup final was played here
- 4. Before G20 there was the G_?
- 5. Only Non-member Country invited to G20 meet
- 8. Pasta, Pizza and Mona Lisa
- 9. Capital of Canada
- 11. Current G20 President for 2023
- 12. Latin American G20 member
- 13. Salsa, Spicy food and Step Pyramids
- 16. Joan of Arc, Normandy and Croissant
- 18. Currency Of China
- 20. The frigid Tundra in Russia's east