- 3. the other name for grand stave
- 7. the 1 beat note
- 12. the symbol that means to “play the notes legato”
- 13. at a moderate speed
- 16. play one octave higher (8va)
- 17. gradually get louder
- 18. the smallest distance from one note to the very next (or “one step on a keyboard”)
- 19. numbering the notes in a scale from lowest to highest
- 20. the type of bar line that represents the end of a piece of music
- 21. 4 crotchet beats per bar
- 22. notes that are written above or below the stave
- 1. the symbol that lowers the pitch of a note by one semitone
- 2. the symbol that raises the pitch of a note by one semitone
- 4. not bass clef
- 5. a collection of sharps of flats places immediately after the clef
- 6. the type of scales we have learnt this term
- 8. unison or 5th are examples of these sets of two notes
- 9. at an easy walking pace
- 10. moderately soft
- 11. an incomplete bar at the beginning of a piece of music
- 14. the note that goes for 3 beats
- 15. short and detached