Game Knights D&D Rules Puzzle 1

  1. 1. sneak attack and short swords deal damage with this die.
  2. 5. the action that lets you use your weapons to harm foes. Extras of these let you do it more than once during this action.
  3. 8. inflicting this condition on a foe would give you advantage, but only automatic critical hits if you are within 5 feet.
  4. 10. your character is this after three failed deaths saves
  5. 11. type of hit when you roll a 20 on 1d20
  6. 14. this condition makes you fail ability checks requiring a certain sense AND imposes disadvantage on your attacks and advantage on attacks against you.
  7. 16. maces and longswords deal damage with this die.
  8. 17. this condition ends automatically if you are moved by another creature or spell away from whatever inflicted it on you.
  9. 18. this condition gets worse the more of it you get, potentially causing even instant death.
  10. 20. inflicting this condition will cause your target to fail ability checks tied to a sense, but otherwise does nothing to attack rolls related to the creature.
  11. 23. number of death saves you lose if you take critical damage while at 0 hit points
  12. 24. with this action you will not provoke attacks of opprotunity by movement
  13. 25. glaves and heavy crossbows deal damage with this die.
  14. 26. you can take this action to make an ally's attack against a foe next to you have advantage.
  15. 28. the reach, in feet of most creatures, including larger creatures, unless otherwise specifically stated.
  16. 29. You suffer an automatic critical hit if someone within 5 feet of you damages you while suffering this condition.
  17. 32. while "suffering" this condition you have advantage on attack rolls and foes have disadvantage to attack you.
  18. 34. your speed becomes 0 and cannot be improved while suffering this condition.
  19. 36. suffering this condition gives you resistance to all damage.
  1. 1. when you get to roll 2d20 and keep the lowest
  2. 2. amount of your movement you spend standing up from prone. (Use hypen if two words are needed).
  3. 3. the cost of movement in feet while trying to move wile prone and in difficult terrain.
  4. 4. this action lets you double your movement speed at the cost of your action.
  5. 6. if you suffer this condition you cannot attack or otherwise harm the one who inflicted it upon you.
  6. 7. you can only focus on one of these kinds of spells at once.
  7. 9. when you score a critical hit you double these, but not your modifiers.
  8. 10. daggers and magic missiles deal their damage with this die.
  9. 12. you can only cast these kinds of spells with your action if you spend your bonus action casting a level 1 spell or higher.
  10. 13. amount of your total hit die recovered on long rest (use hyphen if you need two words)
  11. 15. Initiative roll is an ability check using this ability.
  12. 16. a typically underground area that adventurers explore to slay monsters, find loot, and twart evil.
  13. 19. reduce fire damage from *fireball* to this amount if you both pass the dexterity save AND have fire resistence.
  14. 20. greataxes and witch bolt deal damage with this die.
  15. 21. when you get to roll 2d20 and keep the highest
  16. 22. attack rolls and saving throws are made with this die.
  17. 27. You automatically fail strength and dexterity saving throws while suffering this condition.
  18. 30. you may willingly inflict this condition on yourself to impose disadvantage on ranged attacks against you.
  19. 31. size of hit dice for wizards in 5th edition
  20. 33. the number of feet a single square on a grid map takes up when using grid rules.
  21. 35. a magical monster, typically large and intelligent, and can grow to be anchient.