Game of Thrones

  1. 2. Horse lords ruled by Khals
  2. 5. "The Spider", master of spies in King's Landing
  3. 6. New city of Daenerys Targaryen
  4. 9. "Dragonglass", one of the rare things that kills White Walkers
  5. 11. The Young Wolf
  6. 13. An elite eunuch company serving Daenerys
  7. 15. The Dwarf
  8. 16. The main protagonist family
  9. 17. A high family that ruled Westeros for most of the last 350 years
  10. 19. The castle built by Harren the Black, able to whitstand an army of million
  11. 20. One of the Free Cities, home of Magister Ilyrio
  12. 21. A Tyrell family member, knight of the Kingsguard
  13. 22. Lion family
  14. 24. A 700 feet tall building, which is guarded by the Night's Watch
  15. 25. Animal that is on the Stark flag
  16. 27. Mormont, 997th Commander of the Night's Watch
  17. 28. Last name of the author who wrote "Game of Thrones"
  18. 30. Knight who killed Aerys II ("Mad King")
  1. 1. The most feared season
  2. 3. An Ironborn family which rules the Iron Islands
  3. 4. Homeland of the Targaryens and the steel with the same name
  4. 7. Seat of House Martell
  5. 8. Knight of the Kingsguard, now with Daenerys
  6. 10. Exiled Mormont family member
  7. 11. A Baratheon family member, killed by Lady Mellisandra's demon
  8. 12. Seat of House Stark
  9. 14. The real Baratheon king, brother of Robert
  10. 18. Name of the Targaryen who captured Westeros 300 years ago
  11. 23. The most mysterious of all Seven gods
  12. 25. A cataclysmic event that destroyed Old Valyria
  13. 26. Prince of Dorne killed in trial by combat
  14. 29. The oldest member of the Lannister family, said to "shit gold"