
  1. 3. Nintendo started by making these
  2. 5. Xbox _____ X
  3. 9. The world can always use more _____
  4. 11. She’s not the hero, but it’s her game
  5. 13. _____ & Luigi
  6. 14. _____ Entertainment System
  7. 15. I was born on a ____ ship
  8. 16. I have Princess Peach
  9. 18. a MCUA3 boss
  1. 1. _____toads
  2. 2. First character you use in MCU3
  3. 4. Link needs the _____ sword
  4. 5. I shoot arrows in a blocky world
  5. 6. Tank, DPS & ____
  6. 7. Clark’s favourite MUA3 character
  7. 8. ___ __ thieves
  8. 10. Most recent Nintendo console
  9. 12. This movie features Super Mario 3
  10. 17. I have a square head