
  1. 2. You'll ruin your dinner!
  2. 3. when life hands you lemons make a
  3. 4. It's a family game, don't be lonely
  4. 5. A board game walked into a bar....
  5. 8. game for for intellectuals
  6. 10. the brain game
  7. 12. the game is afoot
  8. 13. #1 in Spanish
  9. 14. a board game for doctors
  10. 18. We all fall down!
  11. 19. No degree required
  12. 20. To move or not to move that is the question
  13. 21. Captain Morgan's favorite game
  14. 22. to tie oneself in knots
  1. 1. a very amusing and diverting game that is more fun than a barrel
  2. 2. when you go from first to last real fast
  3. 6. I see dead people
  4. 7. the only game where yelling in the library is permitted
  5. 9. The most dangerous animals in the world
  6. 11. cops and robbers
  7. 15. childhood slang for when you do not like a person
  8. 16. U.S.S. Arizona
  9. 17. connect the dots, connect