
  1. 1. A group of friends or family with identifiable leadership and engages in illegal or criminal activity
  2. 2. Being called a __________ is serious disrespect.
  3. 3. Founded by Stanley Williams and Raymond Washington
  4. 6. The 5 reasons people join gangs are identity, protection, brotherhood, criminal activity, and?
  5. 8. if you wore this color in a blood neighborhood, you might be killed
  6. 9. Number associated with a pointed crown
  7. 11. Local major motorcycle club in the west Texas area
  8. 12. Number of a pointed pitchfork or a number in any fashion
  1. 1. What was found all over Iraq due to gangs?
  2. 4. Sports teams affiliated with this gang are the 49ers, Bulls, and?
  3. 5. Formed in response to violence associated by the crips
  4. 7. Known as or called themselves along with dawg or baller
  5. 10. Was infiltrated to learn tactics to use against other gangs