GARP SCR Chapter1 Puzzle_Tushar Johri_GARP SCR EXAM PREP BLOG

  1. 1. _____ refers to a process by which fossil fuels are burned in such a way that the carbon dioxide generated is not vented to the atmosphere
  2. 3. Under irradiance of 300 W/m2 a solar panel efficiency of 15% with a _____ (in words)m2 surface area would produce 675 Watts.
  3. 4. For the 2°C threshold, net emissions need to decline to ____% (in words) of today’s value by the mid-2040s and reach zero in 2080.
  4. 6. This molecule is best known for its ability to absorb ultraviolet radiation that, if it reached the surface, would have deleterious effects on human and natural ecosystems, but it is also a powerful greenhouse gas
  5. 10. As per this shared socioeconomic pathway,emissions go negative around 2075, meaning that humans are pulling more carbon out of the atmosphere than they are releasing
  6. 13. Cave structures can yield estimates of the climate in the region around the cave over the past few hundred thousand years
  7. 14. ________ is an intended adaptation action that actually increases climate vulnerability.
  1. 2. Putting all of this evidence together, recent reports from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) have described the confidence in the warming of the climate as ______________
  2. 5. The warming is not uniform—land warmed more than the ocean and the northern hemisphere warmed more than the ___________ or the southern hemisphere
  3. 7. The warming over the past century (approximately 1°C in about a century) is around ____ (in words) times faster than the average rate of warming coming out of the last ice age
  4. 8. It may take ________ (in words) years for sea-level rise to respond fully to the of warming of the twenty-first century
  5. 9. This shared socioeconomic pathway indicates a social is a world where economic inequality gets worse, leading to increasing conflict between regions.
  6. 11. _______ amplification is an example "positive feedbacks" in the context of climate change.
  7. 12. The name given to the last 11,000 years of the Earth's history — the time since the end of the last major glacial epoch /"ice age".
  8. 15. The Global Warming Potential (GWP) of methane over a __________ year period is approximately 84-87 times that of carbon dioxide