Gas Exchange

  1. 4. The diaphragm is a _____ tissue
  2. 7. This type of epithelial shape has cells whose height and width are approximately the same (cube shaped).
  3. 9. The trachea is made up of C shaped rings of ______
  4. 10. What is the name for the special cell that produces mucus?
  5. 11. When the internal intercostals contract, the ribs are moved ___
  6. 12. What is the common name for the larynx?
  7. 13. These are small airways that branch off the bronchi in the lungs. Their role is to transport air to the alveoli where gas exchange can take place.
  8. 15. A substance in the red blood cell which binds to oxygen
  9. 16. Oxygen is carried in the _____
  10. 17. Carbon dioxide is mainly carried in the _______
  11. 21. Deoxygenated blood is ____ in CO2
  12. 22. What is the common name for the area enclosed by the ribs?
  13. 23. Carbon monoxide is a ____ gas
  1. 1. The alveoli is one cell thick to allow _____ diffusion of gases
  2. 2. The lungs have a large surface area for rapid diffusion of gases. There will be more ______ for gas exchange to take place
  3. 3. During inhalation what do the intercostal muscles do?
  4. 5. Ciliated epithelial cells have tiny hairs lining the trachea and bronchi. These are called ___
  5. 6. You often cough when you have a chest infection as of an ______ production of mucus that blocks the airways
  6. 8. What is the name of the fluid that is between the pleural membranes?
  7. 14. Oxygen in the blood combines with haemoglobin to form ____ in red blood cells
  8. 18. During exhalation the diaphragm relaxes and becomes__
  9. 19. When the external intercostals contract, they move the rib ___
  10. 20. What is the name for an infection of the pleural membranes?