Gatik G JLC Crossword

  1. 3. Chinese phrase for "ability to bear it."
  2. 4. Symbolize the daughters' struggles to find identity.
  3. 5. Rose's husband who divorces her due to her inability to make decisions.
  4. 11. Chinese term for nanny or maid.
  5. 12. Surname of June, who replaces her deceased twin.
  6. 13. City where Suyuan flees during World War II.
  7. 15. Protagonist who takes her mother's place in the Joy Luck Club.
  8. 19. Symbol of longevity and endurance.
  9. 20. Chinese word for daughter-in-law.
  10. 21. Term used to address older women in the community.
  11. 25. An object used to symbolize the mariage between Lindo Jong and Tyan Yu.
  12. 26. Symbolizes the conflict and strategy in relationships.
  13. 27. Chess prodigy and daughter of Lindo Jong.
  14. 29. Chinese word for respect, it is bone deep.
  15. 31. Term used to describe Waverly's chess skills.
  1. 1. Character who learns the power of storytelling from her mother.
  2. 2. Symbolizes abundance and celebration in the book.
  3. 6. Represents the intricacies and complexities of the characters' lives.
  4. 7. Theme explored through the mothers' experiences.
  5. 8. Chinese tile game central to the book's themes.
  6. 9. Fiance of Waverly Jong.
  7. 10. Represents the cyclical nature of life and relationships.
  8. 14. Gathering of Chinese immigrant women in San Francisco.
  9. 16. Founder of the Joy Luck Club.
  10. 17. Represents strength and resilience in Chinese culture.
  11. 18. Theme explored through various mother-daughter relationships.
  12. 22. Chinese word for traitor, it is skin deep.
  13. 23. Theme tied to the hopes and dreams of the characters.
  14. 24. Represents the connection between past and present.
  15. 28. A common theme in the novel, a belief/fear in a supernatural causation.
  16. 30. Character who grapples with loss and identity.