
  1. 2. "I know"
  2. 4. Third Avengers movie
  3. 5. Batmans side kick
  4. 7. "My precious"
  5. 10. Fourth Avengers movie
  6. 11. Kill Bill Actress
  7. 13. "They call it ___ with cheese"
  8. 14. "The ___", Jedi Power
  1. 1. Darth Vader
  2. 3. "These are not the droids, you're looking for"
  3. 6. "he is a hero, not the hero we deserved but the hero we needed"
  4. 8. "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard!"
  5. 9. Alfred ___, Batman's butler
  6. 10. "___ motherfucker! Do you speak it?"
  7. 12. "___ I am your father"