GC Jeopardy Vocab

  1. 2. Order and respect for others. The Chair will call for decorum when he or she feels that the committee is not being respectful.
  2. 3. Used to tell the Chair that he/she has made an error in the running of the committee- Point of...
  3. 4. Keeps notes, works on computer
  4. 9. amount of time each delegation can speak during speaker's list
  5. 10. Guides delegates through the Resolutions/Amendments process
  6. 12. Calls roll, keeps time, tallies votes
  7. 13. the amount of time a moderated or unmoderated caucus will last
  8. 14. what you must do if you don't use all of your speaking time
  9. 15. A group of delegates
  1. 1. Used to tell the Chair about a specific problem of the delegate (i.e. can’t hear, room is too hot, etc.) - Point of...
  2. 4. “Formal Debate” and is the default type of debate. This is when delegates give their OPENING SPEECH, which are opening remarks about their country’s position on the topic.
  3. 5. The way a committee is run, as opposed to the topic being discussed
  4. 6. Used to ask the Chair a question about the procedure- Point of...
  5. 7. Used to ask a question of a speaker during formal debate- Point of...
  6. 8. Passes notes for delegates
  7. 11. Oversees all aspects of the conference
  8. 15. A student acting as a representative of a UN member country