GEAR UP College Terms

  1. 4. Program you take in High School to earn college credits during your 11th and 12th gr years
  2. 6. A written request for admissions to a college submitted by High School students
  3. 9. The Washington application for student financial aid
  4. 11. An application to pay for school that you receive from an institution/company that does not need to be paid back
  5. 14. An essay that you will write about yourself for your college application
  6. 16. Institution of higher learning that provides Bachelors, Masters, and/or Doctorate degrees
  7. 18. Name of a student seeking an associate's or bachelor's degree
  8. 20. The highest level degree you can earn usually taking 7-10 years post-high school
  9. 21. Name of a second year student in college
  10. 22. Test you take during high school that determines college readiness and aptitude
  11. 24. a small, local college where you can get an Associate's degree and other certifications
  12. 26. Name of the certificate that proved you graduated from high school
  13. 27. Name of a first year student in college
  1. 1. What you earn when you graduate from college or graduate school
  2. 2. Money you borrow to pay for school that must be paid back after graduation
  3. 3. Grade Point Average
  4. 5. Signing up for your classes
  5. 7. Name for the unit used to measure your advancement in high school and college after passing a necessary course; a specific amount of these are needed to graduate high school or earn a degree
  6. 8. A degree that is usually called a four year degree
  7. 10. Housing on a college campus
  8. 12. "free" money that you get based on need
  9. 13. The closest community college to Cascade
  10. 15. A subject or field of study chosen by a college student
  11. 17. A fourth year student is called this
  12. 19. what students call their "teachers" in college
  13. 23. Cost to take classes at a college/university
  14. 25. The federal application for student financial aid; first submitted during senior year of high school