Gender discriminations in the workplace

  1. 5. repeated aggressive behavior toward someone that can include insults, violence, threats or assault.
  2. 6. what you do to get a job in a company
  3. 7. the succession of jobs people have in their life
  4. 8. when a person is treated unfairly because of their gender (or another reason)
  5. 9. when people do not have the same rights or material posessions.
  6. 10. salary
  7. 12. the gender pay ____ is the difference in salary between men and women
  1. 1. the obstacles women face in their career preventing them from acheiving higher positions.
  2. 2. a job that involves encouraging people to buy a product or service
  3. 3. discriminations against women
  4. 4. a preconceived idea about what someone should be or do
  5. 11. (adj) the same