Gender - half unit

  1. 1. Gender ______; the third and final stage of Kohlberg's theory of gender development in which children realise their gender doesn't change.
  2. 3. A hormone which is involved in reproductive behaviour including childbirth, breastfeeding and monogamy.
  3. 9. Primarily a female hormone; promotes the development and maintenance of the female characteristics in the body
  4. 10. ________ syndrome; a genetic disorder that means that an individual only has one X chromosome and the second is missing or incomplete
  5. 11. Structures of DNA found in the nucleus of living cells that contain genetic information
  6. 14. ________ syndrome; a genetic disorder that means that an individual has an extra X chromosome (XXY)
  7. 15. Gender ______; the first stage of Kohlberg's theory of gender development between 18 months and 3 years
  8. 16. A gender term that refers to showing stereotypical female behaviours E.g. nurturing, caring
  1. 2. A gender term that refers to having a balance of masculine and feminine characteristics
  2. 4. Primarily a male hormone; stimulates the development of male secondary sexual characteristics
  3. 5. Gender _____ theory; an explanation of gender development that says children do not need to know gender is permanent before observing other gender behaviour
  4. 6. Chemical messengers that are released into the bloodstream from glands
  5. 7. ____ ____ _____ Inventory; created by Sandra Bem to establish someone's gender identity (write as one word, no spaces)
  6. 8. A gender term that refers to showing stereotypical male behaviours E.g. aggression, competitiveness
  7. 12. Gender ______; the second stage of Kohlberg's theory of gender development in which children rely on superficial characteristics to determine gender
  8. 13. Psychologist who believed that gender developed in set stages in line with cognitive understanding