Gene Therapy Starter Crossword

  1. 3. Used to transfer genes into recipient cells.
  2. 6. A type of enzyme that cuts DNA at specific recognition sequences.
  3. 10. Process where a cell has a recombinant plasmid placed into it.
  4. 11. An enzyme that uses mRNA to make cDNA from.
  5. 12. A biofortified food that has been genetically engineered to produce beta-carotene.
  1. 1. Type of in vitro cloning used to make many copies of DNA fragments.
  2. 2. Defined as all of the proteins produced by an organism.
  3. 4. Type of themostable enzyme that forms phosphodiester bonds between DNA nucleotides during in vitro cloning.
  4. 5. A type of plasmid that contains DNA from two organisms.
  5. 7. The entire set of DNA, including all of the genes, in an organism.
  6. 8. Region of DNA where transcription factors can bind to.
  7. 9. Type of gene used to identify organisms that have been successfully transformed.