general 19

  1. 4. land reptile with shell covering
  2. 6. feet covering for running
  3. 7. large city east of Fort Worth
  4. 11. piece of tree used to build cabin
  5. 12. winter indoor sport
  6. 15. major intercity road
  7. 16. cold time of year
  8. 17. auto manufacturer
  9. 18. furniture used to pay bills, write letters, etc.
  1. 1. your mother's sister relation to you
  2. 2. dangerous fish
  3. 3. public transportation on tracks in city
  4. 5. your father's brother relation to you
  5. 8. languague of Mexico
  6. 9. trees, flowers, lettuce etc.
  7. 10. land surrounded by water
  8. 13. barnyard fowl
  9. 14. small stream