
  1. 2. to hit the ground forcefully with your feet.
  2. 4. Not making any sound.
  3. 5. being clean and safe from disease.
  4. 6. to make a narrow hole in something with a tool.
  5. 9. having or showing a lot of energy or effort.
  6. 10. to allow a substance to flow out.
  7. 11. to hit something hard.
  8. 13. to show something in public.
  9. 14. one of a pair of animals that breed together.
  1. 1. an object that holds other things.
  2. 2. force different things away from each other.
  3. 3. a substance added to soil to help plants grow.
  4. 7. to go away.
  5. 8. enjoying having conversations and talking a lot.
  6. 12. the condition of being away from other people.