general 34

  1. 1. car used by military
  2. 4. animal source of wool
  3. 5. minnesota mlb team
  4. 9. fictional animal with long horn on head
  5. 11. our fine feathered friends
  6. 12. number of stars in our flag
  7. 13. fictitious person who rides a broom stick
  8. 16. power source for cell phones, remotes
  9. 17. bird that swims instead of flying
  10. 18. country north of england
  1. 2. main who delivers mail
  2. 3. home of kangaroos
  3. 5. ten times three equals __
  4. 6. building where old things are displayed
  5. 7. direction from dallas to ok
  6. 8. milwaukee is on this great lake
  7. 10. popular breakfast beverage for adults
  8. 12. sport that we call soccer but everyone else calls it
  9. 14. metal element with symbol FE
  10. 15. money made of metal