general 50

  1. 1. meal between breakfast and dinner
  2. 5. apple, pear, banana, etc.
  3. 6. we hear with these
  4. 8. place where people are taught
  5. 12. muslim holy book
  6. 13. person who gathers and tells the news
  7. 15. science that deals with living organisms
  8. 16. land that is mostly sand
  9. 17. scavenger birds
  10. 18. home of the browns
  11. 19. what you do when something thrown at you
  1. 2. picture taking device
  2. 3. fiftyone minus thirtyone
  3. 4. instrument allows us to see very small objects
  4. 7. four quarts
  5. 9. long walk, sometimes in the woods
  6. 10. person who drives the airplane
  7. 11. dog known for it's speed
  8. 14. popular red ones
  9. 15. bug, also brit rock group