general 51

  1. 3. mickey mouse creator
  2. 6. two wheeled manually driven vehicle
  3. 7. building cover
  4. 9. large reptile, many live in florida
  5. 13. fuel for cars
  6. 15. capital of italy
  7. 16. twenty one minus fourteen
  8. 18. bees make this
  9. 20. boston nba team
  1. 1. quick cooking appliance
  2. 2. texas western neighbor
  3. 4. season before spring
  4. 5. currency in france
  5. 8. flying mammals
  6. 10. tool used to pound in nails
  7. 11. man's best friend
  8. 12. calculating, data processing,machine
  9. 14. small land mass surrounded by water
  10. 17. organs used to see
  11. 19. need this to send letter