General Biology

  1. 2. The colorless fluid , forms when plasma seeps out of the blood vessels and into the interstitial fluid
  2. 5. It covers the glottis so that food enters the esophagus, not the lungs
  3. 8. They are white blood cells that participate in the inflammation
  4. 9. A tube that connects the bladder with the outside of the body
  5. 13. A muscular bag that receives food from the esophagus
  6. 19. A two-opening digestive tract
  7. 20. A plug of solidified blood
  8. 21. An eating disorder which a person eats large quantities and then intentionally vomits or uses laxatives shortly afterward
  9. 23. The hormone that stimulates the production of sodium channels in the nephron
  10. 24. teaches the immune system to recognize specific components of pathogen without actually causing illness
  11. 26. They control the concentration of ions in their body fluids as the environment changes
  12. 27. A heart chamber that pumps blood out of the heart
  13. 28. It is a specialized cardiac cells that sets the tempo of the heartbeat
  14. 29. They are antimicrobial molecules that communicate with immune system cells and stimulate the development of a fever
  15. 30. This houses the nerve endings, sweat, and oil glands and the blood vessels
  1. 1. A large containing masses of lymphocytes and macrophages that destroy pathogens in the blood
  2. 3. The cells that engulfs and digests foreign material and cell debris
  3. 4. Blood from the right side of the heart exchanges gases at the lungs and return it to the heart
  4. 6. A mixture of water, mucus, salts hydrochloric acids and enzymes produced by the stomach lining
  5. 7. A small immune organ in the chest
  6. 10. It delivers blood to the kidneys
  7. 11. The lines the inside of the heart and all of the body’s vessels
  8. 12. A network of tiny blood vessels that connect an arteriole and a venule.
  9. 14. They are muscular rings that can contract to block the passage of materials
  10. 15. It is the widening of blood vessels that occurs when the same muscles relax
  11. 16. It is an accessory organ that stores bile until the chyme triggers its release into the small intestine
  12. 17. a biochemical that dilates blood vessels and increases the permeability
  13. 18. They eat decomposing organic matter
  14. 22. The body’s tiniest blood vessels
  15. 25. are large vessels that conduct blood away from the heart