General knowledge!

  1. 1. if you drop a yellow hat in a red sea what does it become?
  2. 3. which the coldest place on earth?
  3. 5. obama president with the most followers on twitter?
  4. 7. which is the most viewed video on youtube?
  5. 9. what is old name of lahore?
  6. 10. which is the smallest country in the world?
  7. 13. where is the world`s longest sea bridge?
  1. 2. how many stanza`s are there in national anthem of pakistan?
  2. 4. name of first nuclear power plant was established at?
  3. 5. what is the capital of brazil?
  4. 6. what is the deepest point on earth?
  5. 8. how many alphabets are there in urdu language?
  6. 11. what does come down but never goes up?
  7. 12. which word is spelt wrong in every dictionary?