general knowledge

  1. 3. blue planet 8th away from the sun(7)
  2. 4. best England cricket player
  3. 5. largest land mammal(8)
  4. 8. capital city of the U.S.A(15)
  5. 9. closest to the sun(7)
  6. 12. fastest man in the world
  7. 14. penguins live there(9)
  8. 15. dwarf planet(5)
  9. 16. named after a roman goddess(5)
  1. 1. best football players whith diego in them
  2. 2. largest country in the world(6)
  3. 6. known as the blue planet(5)
  4. 7. biggest bird in britain(17)
  5. 10. second largest planet(6)
  6. 11. largest planet(7)
  7. 12. 7th from the sun(6)
  8. 13. the god of war(4)