General knowledge

  1. 4. you come here to travel abroad
  2. 5. used to pick up pasta, looks like a pair of forks
  3. 7. synonyms for city centre
  4. 10. name of 'the king of pop'
  5. 14. the number of players on the field for each team in a soccer match
  6. 15. largest country in the world
  1. 1. the currency of the UK
  2. 2. a type of international ID
  3. 3. used to check the time
  4. 6. your aunt's son or daughter
  5. 8. the planet that is closest to the Sun
  6. 9. the subject about population, maps, etc.
  7. 11. most famous japanese wine
  8. 12. longest river in the world
  9. 13. the fastest land animal