general knowledge

  1. 3. ! meaning in maths
  2. 7. simplest element
  3. 11. rarest lobster colour
  4. 13. latest covid varient
  5. 14. oldest species still alive
  6. 15. largest black hole
  7. 17. most common full name
  1. 1. most expensive element per gram
  2. 2. 3rd tallest mountain
  3. 4. most searched word on google
  4. 5. latest addition to the periodic table
  5. 6. founder of bunnings
  6. 8. capital of syria
  7. 9. another word for water bears
  8. 10. antimatter version of an electron
  9. 12. most sold board game
  10. 16. only country with a $7 note
  11. 18. closest solar system to ours
  12. 19. longest word with one vowel