General Knowledge

  1. 4. worlds largest lake
  2. 7. what E stands for in E=mc^2
  3. 9. in between a mini crossword and a regular sized
  4. 10. the name of an additional covid shot (your third)
  5. 11. Logan or Jake
  6. 14. the leafs played here before their current arena
  7. 15. short for Deoxyribonucleic Acid (don't search up)
  8. 16. kanye (the greatest artist of all time) middle name
  9. 17. first name of hockey superstar in the hockey sweater
  1. 1. the colour of a terrifying 37 foot monster in Boston
  2. 2. _____360 (good for stalking)
  3. 3. runs torontos public transit
  4. 5. last name of famous new york times crossword editor
  5. 6. Something that I scream for as well as you scream for, we all scream for...
  6. 8. today's wordle
  7. 9. First name of shortest NBA player
  8. 12. original name for the maple leafs
  9. 13. recent protest of covid restrictions in ottawa