- 2. Enlarge an image.
- 7. Orbits a planet.
- 8. Extremely cold region.
- 11. Study of the Earth's surface.
- 12. Famous physicist.
- 14. Celestial event.
- 16. Electrical discharge during a storm.
- 18. Interconnected natural environment.
- 19. Study of celestial bodies.
- 20. Exceptional intelligence.
- 22. Where the sky meets land or sea.
- 23. Largest land mammal.
- 25. Houses books and knowledge.
- 27. Vast body of water.
- 29. Creates new devices.
- 30. Travels in space.
- 1. Changes color.
- 3. A massive system of stars.
- 4. Erupts molten rock.
- 5. Studies human history through artifacts.
- 6. Gaseous layer around Earth.
- 9. Sound during a storm.
- 10. Largest ocean.
- 13. Art of capturing images.
- 15. Our solar system has eight of these.
- 17. Preserved remains of ancient life.
- 21. Swirling wind funnel.
- 24. Finding something new.
- 26. Attracts metal.
- 28. Represents the Earth.