General Knowledge

  1. 2. bonus money given to a student
  2. 4. acronym for the colors of the rainbow
  3. 7. poisonous plant that has bell-esque flowers
  4. 9. sport played using birdies
  5. 10. animal in the sea that has poisonous tentacles
  6. 14. great apes native to Malaysia and Indonesia
  7. 16. sport that spikes the ball
  8. 17. hardest naturally occuring substance
  9. 18. a web-slinging superhero
  10. 19. capital of Georgia
  11. 20. avenue in spanish
  1. 1. name for artificial nails that uses monomer
  2. 3. a drug that used to be in a popular soft drink
  3. 5. anise flavored candy that many hate
  4. 6. this sport has turkies
  5. 8. only country that starts with a y
  6. 10. the author of pride and prejudice
  7. 11. disease originally considered fatal (consumption)
  8. 12. adj. describing the hour before sunset/rise
  9. 13. the base of a makeup look or a house
  10. 15. the largest planet
  11. 19. continent home to the largest desert