General Knowledge Crossword

  1. 3. Carries a hose, an axe and saves lives.
  2. 5. For holding flowers.
  3. 7. Line that sepearates the earth, where it is warm.
  4. 9. Tall, yellow easy to grow plant. Produces seeds.
  5. 12. Is where you will find the pyramids.
  6. 14. Will make you cry if you chop it
  1. 1. Twelve, twice
  2. 2. Millions shine in the sky at night.
  3. 4. Clothing for cold hands.
  4. 6. Sang 'You were always on my mind' and blue suede shoes.
  5. 8. _____ Larson, actress, Captain Marvel film.
  6. 10. Mum or dad's mother
  7. 11. Large body of calm water.
  8. 13. Earth, Mars and venus are these.