General Knowledge from Calculus 1

  1. 6. derivative of tan(x).
  2. 7. sin(x)² + ____ = 1.
  3. 9. derivative of a constant times a variable.
  4. 11. (1-cos⁡(2x))/2
  5. 12. ____ + 1 = sec²(x).
  6. 13. in an ______ integral, you have to add a + C to account for the family of functions.
  7. 16. derivative of eˣ.
  8. 17. the fundamental theorem of calculus states that in order to find an integral, you have to find the ______.
  9. 19. a ______ integral does not require a + C because there are bounds of the integral.
  1. 1. derivative of cos(x).
  2. 2. derivative of ln(x).
  3. 3. derivative of a constant.
  4. 4. the derivative of 5.
  5. 5. if an integral goes below the x-axis, it counts as _____ area.
  6. 7. derivative of sin(x).
  7. 8. derivative of x².
  8. 9. (1+cos⁡(2x))/2
  9. 10. derivative of sec(x).
  10. 14. geometrically, an integral computes the area under a _____.
  11. 15. U-substitution undoes the ____ rule.
  12. 18. derivative of x.