General Knowledge Harry Potter

  1. 4. Fenrir (blank), werewolf
  2. 5. Buckbeak's alias in Half-Blood Prince
  3. 7. Peeves, Fastidio, etc.
  4. 9. Caput Draconis,Fortuna Major, etc.
  5. 10. "jowls aquiver"
  6. 12. Nagini, Harry, diary, etc.
  7. 13. The most powerfully magical number
  8. 14. What Hagrid borrowed from Siruis Black
  1. 1. Marvolo, Morfin, Merope, etc.
  2. 2. (Blank) Despard, Ron's alias in Deathly Hallows
  3. 3. Elderly goblin in Deathly Hallows
  4. 6. Safest place in the world, except for maybe Hogwarts
  5. 8. Snatcher in Deathly Hallows
  6. 11. (Blank) and Burkes
  7. 12. Dobby, Kreacher, Winky, etc.