- 4. Fenrir (blank), werewolf
- 5. Buckbeak's alias in Half-Blood Prince
- 7. Peeves, Fastidio, etc.
- 9. Caput Draconis,Fortuna Major, etc.
- 10. "jowls aquiver"
- 12. Nagini, Harry, diary, etc.
- 13. The most powerfully magical number
- 14. What Hagrid borrowed from Siruis Black
- 1. Marvolo, Morfin, Merope, etc.
- 2. (Blank) Despard, Ron's alias in Deathly Hallows
- 3. Elderly goblin in Deathly Hallows
- 6. Safest place in the world, except for maybe Hogwarts
- 8. Snatcher in Deathly Hallows
- 11. (Blank) and Burkes
- 12. Dobby, Kreacher, Winky, etc.