- 1. – Force that attracts objects toward the center of Earth.
- 4. – System of exchange where goods are traded directly for other goods.
- 8. – Lizard known for its ability to change color.
- 13. – Imaginary line around the middle of Earth.
- 14. – Layer in Earth's atmosphere that absorbs most UV radiation.
- 15. – Land surrounded by water on three sides.
- 16. – A deep or seemingly bottomless chasm; often used to describe deep oceanic trenches.
- 17. – Largest hot desert on Earth, located in Africa.
- 19. – A party or gathering where guests wear masks and costumes.
- 2. – An opening in the Earth's crust through which lava, ash, and gases are expelled.
- 3. – Range of different colors produced when light is dispersed, or a range of related concepts.
- 5. – Fragment of a meteoroid that survives its passage through the atmosphere and lands on Earth.
- 6. – The study of the movement and interaction of Earth's plates.
- 7. – Place to borrow books and study.
- 9. – A collection of maps in book form.
- 10. – Written or spoken language in its ordinary form, without metrical structure.
- 11. – System of production, trade, and consumption in a country.
- 12. – Planet known as Earth's “sister planet.”
- 18. – Place where historical artifacts are displayed.
- 20. – Line of rulers from the same family.