- 1. The highest mountain in the world
- 4. “Land of the dragon”
- 6. “Playground of Europe”
- 10. Decorative handwriting or handwritten lettering
- 12. Capital of Australia
- 14. Capital of Netherland
- 16. Capital of France
- 17. Capital of Thailand
- 18. “Land of the rising sun”
- 2. The smallest country in the world
- 3. The hottest planet in the milky way
- 5. Capital of Canada
- 7. The largest desert in the world
- 8. The smallest Ocean in the world
- 9. Language with the most native speakers
- 10. The fastest land animal
- 11. The largest island in the earth
- 13. The largest tropical forest rain in the world
- 15. Total number of oceans in the world
- 19. The Ancient Greek God of the sun