General knowledge quiz

  1. 2. There are 2 ducks in front of 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks behind 2 other ducks. There are 2 ducks beside 2 other ducks. How many ducks are there?
  2. 3. How many grandchildren did Queen Victoria have?
  3. 6. What's the biggest animal in the world?
  4. 8. What is the smallest planet in our solar system?
  5. 10. Who is the god of fire and patron of craftsmen?
  1. 1. What has arms but cannot hug?
  2. 4. Please arrive _ time for the exam.
  3. 5. How many of King Henry III's wives were called Catherine?
  4. 7. What is the most expensive cat breed in the world?
  5. 9. What is the most expensive food in the world?
  6. 11. What is the longest word in English?