- 4. Te Reo for step or walk
- 7. What country was the first to give women the vote
- 9. What is the longest river in NZ?
- 11. One of our 3 PB4L values
- 12. Spanish word for Hello
- 13. What order of Nuns started St Patrick's Primary?
- 15. Te Reo for Mountain
- 17. Capital city of the Philippines.
- 18. What does the 'P' mean in PB4L
- 1. Complete the phrase 'a stitch in time saves "____"
- 2. Who was the Rangatira who first discovered Aoteroa NZ?
- 3. Titiro means what in Te Reo
- 4. What is the capital city of Vietnam?
- 5. One of our 3 PB4L values
- 6. Te Reo word for 'Go'
- 7. How many years has St Patrick's been open?
- 8. Colour of the third leadership badge
- 10. Te Reo for love
- 14. One of the three PB4L values
- 16. What is the capital city of Samoa?