General knowledge St Patrick's

  1. 4. Te Reo for step or walk
  2. 7. What country was the first to give women the vote
  3. 9. What is the longest river in NZ?
  4. 11. One of our 3 PB4L values
  5. 12. Spanish word for Hello
  6. 13. What order of Nuns started St Patrick's Primary?
  7. 15. Te Reo for Mountain
  8. 17. Capital city of the Philippines.
  9. 18. What does the 'P' mean in PB4L
  1. 1. Complete the phrase 'a stitch in time saves "____"
  2. 2. Who was the Rangatira who first discovered Aoteroa NZ?
  3. 3. Titiro means what in Te Reo
  4. 4. What is the capital city of Vietnam?
  5. 5. One of our 3 PB4L values
  6. 6. Te Reo word for 'Go'
  7. 7. How many years has St Patrick's been open?
  8. 8. Colour of the third leadership badge
  9. 10. Te Reo for love
  10. 14. One of the three PB4L values
  11. 16. What is the capital city of Samoa?