- 1. Full-time
- 3. A form you fill out to prove that you can work legally in the U.S.
- 5. History of a person's education/work experience/and other qualifications
- 7. solving Process of working through details of a problem to reach a solution
- 8. Equal Opportunity Employer
- 11. Talking with people/establishing relationships that can lead to a job
- 13. Part-time
- 14. criticism Helping someone make improvements by discussing their weak points
- 17. language Expressing a message through body movements, facial expressions,gestures
- 21. Skills learned in one career that can be used in another career/field
- 24. Weeks Notice The minimum amount of time you should give when leaving your job
- 26. Work Cooperative work done by a group
- 27. Identification Card
- 2. Management Ability to plan and use time well
- 4. Taking care of one's appearance
- 6. money taken out of your paycheck before you get your paychecks
- 9. Temporary
- 10. Means a worker is in a trial period of time to see how well they perform the job
- 12. A form your employer gives you so you can file your taxes
- 15. Reference
- 16. Occupational Safety and Health Administration
- 18. Personal Time Off
- 19. Driver's License
- 20. Overtime
- 22. Guiding set of moral values
- 23. Stub Documentation of earnings and deductions for each pay period
- 25. A form you fill out to show how many allowances you get for taxes