General Physiology

  1. 5. Intercalated disc
  2. 7. Rapidly diffusing gas
  3. 8. Blood buffer
  4. 11. Carrier mediated
  5. 13. Tight junction
  6. 17. Hydrogen peroxide
  7. 19. Intracellular cation
  8. 20. Measure ECF
  1. 1. Equilibrium potential
  2. 2. Semipermeable
  3. 3. Living in harmony
  4. 4. Homeostasis
  5. 6. Shape of the cell
  6. 9. Hypotonicity
  7. 10. Positive feedback
  8. 12. Intercellular communication via blood
  9. 14. Suicidal bags
  10. 15. Programmed cell death
  11. 16. Raised capillary hydrostatic pressure
  12. 18. Physiologically important anion