Generation 2

  1. 3. Worked a law library pre-pandemic, now works as a temp paralegal.
  2. 4. Looks forward to being a camp counselor every summer at a camp for young cancer patients and their siblings.
  3. 5. Makes guns for KimberAmerica Guns in Alabama
  4. 8. Works as a designer for Cricut
  5. 9. She built a side-of-the-house shed and a lego building table for her three girls
  6. 12. Works at the front desk of a medical office
  7. 13. Serving a mission in Tralee, Ireland
  8. 14. Fishes in one of his two boats every chance he gets
  9. 17. Has a joint venture with a friend doing cake decorating and classes
  10. 18. Plays flute and piano, loves drawing furbees
  11. 19. A Newsies fanatic, she can't wait to visit New York
  12. 20. Named after his Great Grandpa Atkinson
  13. 22. Works for a fire and flood restoration company
  14. 23. Currently works selling guns but is working on becoming a police officer.
  15. 30. Traveled to Nepal and Mexico with VIllage Book Builders
  16. 31. Visited Guatemala twice in the last year
  17. 32. Loves to listen to, write, sing, play, and dance to music, especially Kpop.
  18. 34. Released a full-length solo album last year named "Chasing a Ghost"
  19. 36. Works as a nurse coordinator
  20. 38. Runs a horse ranch in Arizona. She is a loving, attentive new mommy.
  21. 40. Joined the emergency department of a Misourri hospital in the middle of COVID and lived to tell about it.
  22. 41. Made it to the final 6 in vocal point auditions
  23. 42. She hosted a Harry Potter Christmas Party.
  24. 43. Grew up in Durban South Africa. Likes to ocean fish
  25. 44. Teaches Native American History to highschoolers in Idaho Falls and loves tide pools.
  26. 45. An instagram influencer who takes her kids to Disneyland for their 1st birthday
  27. 47. Works for Entrada just like Jonny. He plans to work from home forever!
  28. 48. Might have gotten COVID from a reindeer that sneezed on him
  29. 49. Like his wife, he was adopted. He was born in the Marshall islands and adopted by a couple from California. (Ask Jenni for the rest of the story!)
  30. 50. Lives down the street from Sam, where she helps out with her landlady's children when she's not working at Chili's.
  31. 51. Sang a solo in Uncle Paul's University Chorale concert
  32. 52. Trying to bulk up for weight lifting by eating 3500 calories a day
  33. 53. Sings and acts, takes Zoom music lessons with her Grandma Janice
  34. 54. Is building a solar company in San Diego
  35. 56. A train fanatic who makes homedrawn train greeting cards, he has slept in a caboose.
  36. 57. Throws up every time he rides in the car.
  37. 60. Is learning Guarani in Yukyry, Paraguay
  38. 61. Served her mission in Hawaii, where she learned to love the Marshallese people
  39. 62. Loves to fish and garden
  1. 1. Now 3 years old, he loves to sing and jump
  2. 2. Works for Village Book Builders as an internship coordinator
  3. 6. Working a summer internship with Amazon Web Services
  4. 7. Sings "Doo doo doo doo doo" with the Manamanah song
  5. 10. His Amazon team's product was featured in Rolling Stones magazine.
  6. 11. Makes anti-drone drones
  7. 12. A dedicated neighborhood Mom, she always has extra kids around
  8. 15. Met Chelsea in the Peace Corps in Mongolia. They were part of the same cohort of volunteers.
  9. 16. Writes articles for a gaming magazine
  10. 21. Treats his guests to a Brazilian BBQ all you can eat. Twice.
  11. 22. The only 11-year-old deacon ever in his family, his favorite song is Dance Monkey.
  12. 24. Stores toys in her footy sleeper
  13. 25. Took Uncle Paul's intro class as part of her first year at in BYU's Music Ed program
  14. 26. He is building a huge porch swing for Jacky and finishing his basement
  15. 27. Taller than Samuel.
  16. 28. Works on commissioned graphic design work
  17. 29. Taught seminary with her previous young women leader.Her baby is due in December
  18. 33. Grew up in Curitiba, Brazil. First LDS person in her family.
  19. 34. Lawyer and new owner of a camping trailer
  20. 35. Her Connecticut garden is growing in black bags.
  21. 37. Sings "Happy Birthday" all day
  22. 38. Loves snorkeling in the ocean even though it freaks her out
  23. 39. A stay at home Mom, she often sells cars at Sam's used car dealership
  24. 44. Wakes up as a different animal each day, fights with his brother over who gets the throwup bag
  25. 46. Does computer programming for an educational start-up
  26. 47. Stay at home Mom who wants to finish a Special Ed degree
  27. 51. Makes chain mail by wrapping a wire around a pencil
  28. 55. Nuts about soccer, takes Zoom music lessons with her Grandma Janice
  29. 57. Bought a motorcycle to go riding in the mountains with his Dad
  30. 58. The grill master of his family, cooks a perfect steak every time.
  31. 59. Released her first single this year called "Hold On"