Drugs & Pharma

  1. 1. Novartis spin off
  2. 4. For indigestion and heartburn
  3. 7. Painkiller that can lower risk of heart attack
  4. 8. New drug for treatment of Alzheimer’s
  5. 10. Medication for type 2 diabetes
  6. 12. Drug used in Claratin
  1. 2. Stimulant used for ADHD
  2. 3. Tylenol, Calpol, Panadol
  3. 5. Pharmaceutical company founded in 1849
  4. 6. For high blood pressure
  5. 9. Discovered by Alexander Fleming
  6. 11. Manfacturer of the Ebola vaccine
  7. 13. Generics producer, Israel