Genes and Heredity

  1. 2. different forms of characteristics
  2. 4. the letters that represent different forms of a gene
  3. 5. the trait that hides in the background
  4. 8. cell reproduction when one body cell becomes two
  5. 9. contains genes
  6. 10. produces cells that are used to pass a parents trait to offspring
  7. 15. father of genetics
  8. 17. cell that contains two complete sets of chromosomes
  9. 18. scientific study of heredity
  10. 19. the expressed trait
  11. 20. combination of alleles
  12. 21. two alleles for one trait that are same
  1. 1. cell that contains one set of chromosomes
  2. 3. the passing of physical characteristics from parent to offspring
  3. 6. is the division of cells after either mitosis or meiosis I and II
  4. 7. pairs of chromosomes in a diploid organism
  5. 11. used to pull chromosomes apart
  6. 12. the physical appearance of a trait
  7. 13. the factor that controls the trait you exhibit
  8. 14. two alleles for one trait that are different
  9. 16. center of cell