Genesis 22

  1. 1. The LORD told Abraham to offer Isaac on one of the ______...
  2. 3. Abraham carried this in his hand up the mountain.
  3. 4. Rebecca's mother
  4. 8. Isaac asked, where is the ____ for the burnt offering?
  5. 12. the name Abraham gave the place
  6. 13. Abraham took ___ young men with him.
  7. 14. The LORD called Isaac Abraham's ____ son.
  8. 15. Abraham was commanded to offer up his son as a ____ sacrifice.
  9. 16. Abraham said, God will provide ______ a lamb.
  1. 1. The Lord told Abraham to take his son and get into the land of ____.
  2. 2. number of times the angel called to Abraham out of heaven.
  3. 4. The LORD said, I have sworn by _____ that I will bless thee.
  4. 5. Abraham rose up _____ in the morning to obey the LORD.
  5. 6. Abraham saw the place God had told him of on the ____ day.
  6. 7. Bethuel's father
  7. 9. Rebecca's father
  8. 10. Isaac carried this up the mountain.
  9. 11. the ram was caught in the thicket by his ____.