Genesis 27 kids

  1. 2. Jacob will be ____ over his brethren
  2. 4. Esau planned to do this to Jacob.
  3. 6. Who's voice did Isaac hear?
  4. 8. Isaac's eyes were dim so that he could not ___.
  5. 11. where Rebecca told Jacob to flee
  6. 14. what Jacob brought his father to drink
  7. 15. animal Jacob used to deceive his father.
  8. 17. Jacob described himself as a ____ man.
  9. 18. Esau said Jacob was rightly _____.
  10. 20. These will bow down to Jacob
  1. 1. Jacob also took this from Esau
  2. 3. Jacob feared he would seem to be this to his father
  3. 5. Esau will one day break Jacob's ____ off his neck.
  4. 7. Esau would live by this.
  5. 9. type of savory meat Isaac loved
  6. 10. Jacob took this first from Esau.
  7. 11. Jacob described Esau as an ____ man.
  8. 12. Who Rebecca told Jacob to flee to.
  9. 13. Jacob told his father the ____ thy God hath brought the venison to me.
  10. 16. one of Esau's weapons
  11. 19. Isaac said Jacob's hands were the hands of ____.