Genesis 28 kids

  1. 4. The ____ stood above the ladder and blessed Jacob's seed.
  2. 6. The top of the ladder reached to _____.
  3. 7. The ____ of God ascended and descended on the ladder.
  4. 8. Jacob used these for pillows.
  5. 9. time of morning Jacob rose up and poured oil upon the rock.
  6. 11. Jacob vowed to give to give back to God the ____ of all God gave him.
  7. 12. Who would the LORD be to Jacob when He brought him back to his father's house in peace?
  8. 13. whose daughter Esau took for a wife when he saw his wives did not please his parents
  9. 14. Bethel was called ___ at the first.
  10. 16. Isaac sent Jacob to ______ for a wife
  1. 1. Jacob poured this on his stone pillar to make a vow to the LORD.
  2. 2. Isaac was a _____ in the land he would inherit.
  3. 3. Jacob was not to take a ___ of the daughters of Canaan.
  4. 5. The ladder was set up on the ___.
  5. 6. This is none other than the ____ of God.
  6. 7. God Almighty gave Jacob the blessing of _____ that he might inherit the land
  7. 10. Jacob went out from _______ to go toward Haran
  8. 14. Isaac told Jacob to take a wife of the daughters of ____.
  9. 15. This is the ____ of heaven.