Genesis 28 kids

  1. 5. Isaac was a _____ in the land he would inherit.
  2. 6. The ____ of God ascended and descended on the ladder.
  3. 8. Jacob was not to take a ___ of the daughters of Canaan.
  4. 10. Isaac sent Jacob to ______ for a wife
  5. 11. This is the ____ of heaven.
  6. 13. The ____ stood above the ladder and blessed Jacob's seed.
  7. 14. Jacob vowed to give back to God the ____ of all God gave him.
  8. 15. Jacob poured this on his stone pillar to make a vow to the LORD.
  9. 16. Jacob went out from _______ to go toward Haran
  10. 19. Bethel was called ___ at the first.
  11. 20. The top of the ladder reached to _____.
  1. 1. God Almighty gave Jacob the blessing of _____ that he might inherit the land
  2. 2. Jacab named the place where he dreamed _____.
  3. 3. Who would the LORD be to Jacob when He brought him back to his father's house in peace?
  4. 4. Isaac told Jacob to take a wife of the daughters of ____.
  5. 7. Jacob used these for pillows.
  6. 9. whose daughter Esau took for a wife when he saw his wives did not please his parents
  7. 10. Jacob vowed the stone he set for a _____ would be God's house
  8. 12. time of morning Jacob rose up and poured oil upon the rock.
  9. 17. The ladder was set up on the ___.
  10. 18. This is none other than the ____ of God.