Genesis 30 kids

  1. 3. Leah's daughter
  2. 7. A troop cometh.
  3. 10. How many days did it take to travel from Laban to Jacob?
  4. 12. Dan and Naphtali's mother
  5. 14. Jacob used the green _____ , hazel, and chestnut trees to make rods for breeding cattle
  6. 15. God remembered Rachel and opened her ____.
  7. 16. Rachel said, God hath taken away my _______
  8. 17. God hath endued me with a good dowry.
  9. 18. Jacob gave his flocks into the hands of his ____.
  1. 1. God hath judged me
  2. 2. The speckled and ______ goats would be Jacob's hire.
  3. 4. God hath given me my hire.
  4. 5. With great wrestlings have I wrestled...and I have prevailed.
  5. 6. God shall add to me another son.
  6. 8. Happy am I, for the daughters shall call me blessed.
  7. 9. Gad and Asher's mother
  8. 11. _____ fed Laban's flocks
  9. 12. The ____ sheep would be Jacob's hire.
  10. 13. Jacob did not put his cattle unto ____ cattle.