Genesis 31

  1. 2. years Jacob served for Laban's daughters
  2. 3. years Jacob served for the cattle
  3. 6. It took Laban _ days to overtake Jacob.
  4. 7. This consumed Jacob in the day
  5. 10. They ate _ at Jacob's sacrifice.
  6. 11. Laban changed Jacob's wages _ times
  7. 13. sheep and goats are ____.
  8. 15. Jacob called stone heap that witnessed their covenant __.
  9. 17. The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
  10. 18. Laban _ his sons and daughters at Mizpah.
  11. 19. Rachel stole these from her father.
  1. 1. Laban overtook Jacob in mount __.
  2. 2. Rachel hid the images in the camel's ___.
  3. 4. Laban's _____ was not toward Jacob as before.
  4. 5. This consumed Jacob in the night.
  5. 8. years Jacob served Laban
  6. 9. God is the God of _ in Jacob's dream.
  7. 10. God told Laban not to speak good or _ to Jacob.
  8. 12. Jacob sware by the ____ of his father Isaac.
  9. 14. The day Laban found that Jacob was gone
  10. 16. The LORD spoke to Jacob and Laban in a ___.