Genesis 31

  1. 4. Jacob passed over this as he fled
  2. 5. The LORD used this to speak to Jacob.
  3. 6. What God calls himself in the dream.
  4. 9. This was not toward Jacob as before.
  5. 10. word used collectively for sheep and goats
  6. 14. Where Jacob called Rachel and Leah to speak with them
  7. 15. Name Laban gave the stone heap that witnessed their covenant
  8. 17. where Laban overtook Jacob
  9. 19. number of years Jacob served Laban
  10. 20. name Jacob gave the stone heap that witnessed their covenant
  11. 21. Rachel stole these from her father.
  1. 1. years Jacob served for Laban's daughters
  2. 2. This consumed Jacob in the day
  3. 3. where Rachel hid the images
  4. 7. This consumed Jacob in the night.
  5. 8. God gave these to Jacob
  6. 11. how long it took Laban to overtake Jacob
  7. 12. The day Laban found that Jacob was gone
  8. 13. how Jacob left Laban
  9. 16. years Jacob served for the cattle
  10. 17. The LORD watch between me and thee, when we are absent one from another.
  11. 18. number of times Laban changed Jacob's wages